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The Health Benefit of Farro

The need to eat with set standards.

Associating eating with taste, flavor, quality and health.

Creating trust in the origins of primary producers.

Choosing to eat biological products is lifestyle choice. It means adopting a diet that combines all the possible benefits without weighing down our body, without causing stress to the liver, assisting the digestive process and the elimination of excess fats. A complete meal must chemically provide:

proteins, fats or lipids, sugars or glucose, mineral elements, vitamins and water. But at the same time must be tasty and satiating keeping in mind the nutritional positive and negative values of each meal. Knowledge of the quality of what we eat is fundamental - because we have come to realize that our society has created a vast amount of diet anomalies.

We have undergone phases of anabolic steroids, growth hormones and altering our food groups without acknowledging that our bodies would be the ones carrying out the digestive process. Thus creating an upsurge of cancers and allergies. Diabetes and cholesterol become diseases of the future. Among the first organs stricken were the stomach, liver and digestive system. Now we are wondering whether these substances will leave traces in our brain structure and consequently on our nervous system. In view of these current events eating biologically sound has become imperative.

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